



Calculate the number of grains of wheat on a chessboard given that the number on each square doubles.

There once was a wise servant who saved the life of a prince. The king promised to pay whatever the servant could dream up. Knowing that the king loved chess, the servant told the king he would like to have grains of wheat. One grain on the first square of a chess board, with the number of grains doubling on each successive square.

There are 64 squares on a chessboard (where square 1 has one grain, square 2 has two grains, and so on).

Write code that shows:

  • how many grains were on a given square, and
  • the total number of grains on the chessboard

GNU awk and Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic

By default, numbers in awk are represented as double-precision floating point numbers. This provides 53 bits of precision (see Table 16.3 in the manual). Unfortunately, this is insufficient to complete this exercise (spoiler alert, one test requires 63 bits of precision).

"Insufficient precision" looks like this:

$ gawk 'BEGIN {
  n = 2 ^ 54
  if (n == n + 1)
    print "not enough precision"
    print "OK"
not enough precision

GNU awk has the capability to use arbitrary-precision numbers, if the relevant libraries have been compiled into the awk executable. Check your awk version, and look for "GNU MPFR":

$ gawk --version
GNU Awk 5.0.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.2.0)

If it's present, enable the capability using the -M option:

$ gawk -M 'BEGIN {
  n = 2 ^ 54
  if (n == n + 1)
    print "not enough precision"
    print "OK"

What if my awk doesn't have -M? You'll have to call out to an external program that can do arbitrary precision arithmetic, like bc. See the section Using getline into a Variable from a Pipe for an example how to do this.

Further reading: Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic

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